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Is insomnia?To take a sleep eeg

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Release date: 2016-08-03 00:00:00
Source: Henan Meilun Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Sleep as a clear brain metabolites, the process of long-term quality is bad, may indeed lead to mental disease and the decline in cognitive function.Experts also remind that supplements of melatonin on young people of sleep disorders and doesn't work, also can inhibit the function of the secretion of melatonin.
Supplement melatonin insomnia is invalid for the young
Sleep as a clear brain metabolites, the process of long-term quality is bad, may indeed lead to mental disease and the decline in cognitive function.Expert introduction, however, can't sleep is not "you say is", passes through sleep eeg monitoring, and see if it really didn't have the normal sleep cycles, different sleep stages of sleep disorder behind also can help to find the cause.Experts also remind that supplements of melatonin on young people of sleep disorders and doesn't work, also can inhibit the function of the secretion of melatonin.
Judge insomnia sleep eeg machine to do
Clinically, the patient said he can't sleep, family is refers to "snoring all night, slept soundly," obviously."All of the patients complained of insomnia, sleep well, sleep eeg monitoring."Xiao-ping pan said, this is because, with the subjective feeling of actual sleep and not necessarily said.Sleep eeg monitoring, first of all, could help doctors determine whether patients have a deep sleep, really have a sleep disorder, secondly, according to an issue of sleep disorder occurs where to help diagnose what kind of disease, targeted therapy advice is given."Nightmare, dreaming, sleep disorder caused by sleep apnea syndrome, and so on, is in the different stages of sleep., if the sleep disorder in the rem sleep and 'hands at the same time, we will focus on his age, such as smell down or not, because it is possible that the possibility of early Parkinson's disease; and like a depression, sleep structure is very chaotic, but from the sleep period to shallow sleep period, over the deep sleep period directly by rem, shallow and jump back from rem sleep period, feel all night dreaming. But ordinary people wake up much dream of shallow sleep period, also easy to have the feeling of' all night dreaming. So want to rely on sleep electroencephalogram (eeg) to judge."
Said "for patients with insomnia, doctors often ask very detailed: recently have what disease, measles, herpes zoster, cough etc? Eat any medicine, such as JiaJian patient treatment? Whether to drink strong tea, cafe? Any dependence? And so on."Xiao-ping pan said.Primary insomnia, very few, and many times of insomnia is only other diseases, and most of them are related to emotions, emotions."Earlier this month to an old man, repeatedly said yourself already three months can not sleep, because before going to bed is always a lot of thoughts, 'if can sleep 3 hours a night had already meet.' and he carefully about down, found him to be captain, in the village trivia, his character is stronger, and this half year things are nervous: dividends can you do? I don't do the village will suit me? In the hospital for a few days he said to the hospital, 'want to go back hair 38 section of the money. In fact, his insomnia is caused by anxiety."Zhang said the latter, and because of that, when the patient said that he is insomnia, the first thing to check is organic, chronic disease, caused by organic ruled out of the sleep disorders, and then to screen presence of emotional disorders, are there any hidden anxiety, insomnia, "psychiatric diagnosis of insomnia, want to rule out other mental disorders, can diagnose".
Supplement melatonin function may inhibit the young themselves
"Don't think the occasional insomnia can no need to worry. My suggestion is that, as long as you have insomnia, regardless of length of time to see a doctor immediately. Because of transient insomnia does not handle, may become the short-term insomnia, chaos, napping affect work during the day, cause psychological burden, intensified in the evening insomnia, gradually become chronic insomnia. Of course, a sex insomnia, as long as on-demand treatment interrupt this vicious circle, can be a behavioral therapy, or medication."Xiao-ping pan said, for example, in the sun during the day to sleep, antidepressants help, light dinner, don't touch the strong tea, coffee, wine, "after eating a lot of blood in the gastrointestinal tract to help digestion, the brain is in a state of relative lack of oxygen, are also easily trapped. You can eat a few things before you go to sleep, but it is not reason to eat food taken late at night, barbecue, spicy small lobster that food is not a benefit to sleep, should be to wheat flour, milk, the food, the banana can help sleep."She also suggest, don't do sports and watch two hours before bed mood exciting drama.Can see some boring books, also can order some aromatherapy do meditation, "adjust breath, tell yourself to relax the scalp, in the eyes, shoulders relaxed, you will find that the original where they don't care, has been very nervous."
Since melatonin can help sleep, insomniacs supplement melatonin is use?Xiao-ping pan pointed out: "for a small percentage of the elderly is likely to be useful, for young people is invalid."She explained, melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland of the brain hormone, sleep is not good, after some elderly because of the pineal gland produces melatonin ability to drop, but it was useless to most;For normal function of the pineal gland of the young people, taking melatonin is invalid, functioning originally, oneself in addition to melatonin, will feedback to inhibits the function of the pineal gland itself, inhibit secretion of melatonin.So, although the melatonin is a prescription drug, but don't abuse.
Is insomnia?To take a sleep eeg